

An unforgettable atmosphere of relaxation and fishing

We will make every effort to ensure our guests fully experience the unforgettable atmosphere of fishing and resting in Swedish Lapland. We will provide you with the most modern fishing gear and equipment, as well as the services of our professional guides.

Professional boats with "podiums", aluminium, plastic and rubber boats, gasoline and eco-friendly electric motors, fish finding sonar, the whole range of winter and summer fishing rods, spinning rods, and lures. For winter fishing, we can provide warm tents, electric drills, the latest modern snowmobiles, skis, stationary wooden houses for ice fishing and, most importantly, trained guides.

If you so desire, we can arrange a visit to the fjords of Norway to fish, for example, сod or halibut.

If you would like to fish in the purest mountain lakes and breathe in the crystal-clear air of the mountains, we will provide you with a helicopter. If you want to fish for char in the mountain lakes in winter, we will take you there by snowmobile.

Our guides will show you the best fishing spots, provide advice on tackle, and help you in purchasing licenses. Our guides know where to fish, what to fish for, and how to fish.

3000 SEK в день
Группа 1-2 рыбака

Рыбалка с персональным гидом

Персональный гид- это самый важный человек на время вашего рыболовного тура. Он организует весь рыболовный день: транспорт, лодки, снегоход, рыболовные снасти, приманки, питание, фото-видео съемку, перемещение по водоему.
Lapla Fishing Storuman pro fishing boat
1000 SEK в день
Группа 1-4 рыбака

Рыбалка с профессиональным егерем

Профессиональный егерь - это ваш командир «на отряд» рыболовов до 4 человек. Он организовывает групповой  рыболовный тур, транспорт до места рыбалки обратно, помощь в покупке лицензий, подскажет где ловить, как ловить и на что.
Lapla Fishing Storuman salmon
300-400 SEK в день

Аренда лодок

Мы предлагаем в аренду алюминиевые или пластиковые лодки с моторами. Так-же мы предлагаем отдельную услугу аренды профессионального катера FINVAL вместе с персональным гидом.
Lapla Fishing Storuman rubber boat with motor
Купель: 500 SEK, Баня: 2000 SEK

Аренда бани и горячей купели

Баня с купелью позволяет совместить горячий пар и низкие температуры. Температурный контраст наполнит вас энергией и повысит жизненный тонус, a “Русская” баня с паром и веником  после рыбалки - это лучшее окончание дня!
Lapla Fishing Storuman Camp hot tub
3000 SEK per day
Group of 1-2 fishermen

Fishing with a personal guide

A professional personal guide is the most important person on your fishing trip. He organises entire fishing day: transport, boats, snowmobile, fishing tackle, bait, food, photo and video shooting, and moving around the reservoir.
Lapla Fishing Storuman pro fishing boat
1000 SEK per day
Groups of 1-4 fishermen

Fishing with a group guide

A professional group guide is the commander of fisherman "squads" for up to 4 people. He organises a group fishing tour, transportation back to the fishing spot, assistance in purchasing licenses, advises where to fish, how to fish, and what to fish with.
Lapla Fishing Storuman fishing boat
300-400 SEK per day

Boat rent

We offer aluminium or plastic boats with engines for rent. We also offer a separate service for renting professional FINVAL boats together with a personal guide.
Lapla Fishing Storuman rubber boat with motor

Lapla Fishing Prices 2021

One-room apartments with a kitchen
Accommodation in a one-room apartment for 1-2 people
2100 SEK
1800 SEK
1500 SEK
1200 SEK
1100 SEK
1400 SEK
Accommodation in a one-room apartment for 3-4 people
2100 SEK
1800 SEK
1500 SEK
1200 SEK
1100 SEK
1400 SEK
Two-room apartments with a kitchen
Accommodation in a one-room apartment for 1-2 people
2100 SEK
1800 SEK
1500 SEK
1200 SEK
1100 SEK
1400 SEK
Accommodation in a one-room apartment for 3-4 people
2100 SEK
1800 SEK
1500 SEK
1200 SEK
1100 SEK
1400 SEK
Three-room apartments (2 bedrooms + living room)
Accommodation in a one-room apartment for 5 people
2100 SEK
1800 SEK
1500 SEK
1200 SEK
1100 SEK
1400 SEK
Accommodation in a one-room apartment for 6-7 people
2100 SEK
1800 SEK
1500 SEK
1200 SEK
1100 SEK
1400 SEK
Final cleaning of the apartment (mandatory cleaning)
One-room apartments
450 SEK
Two-room apartments
450 SEK
Three-room apartments
600 SEK
Additional cleaning
One-room apartments
250 SEK
Two-room apartments
250 SEK
Three-room apartments
400 SEK
Transfer to a fishing place and back by car for 1-4 people.
500 SEK + fuel costs
Transfer to fishing place and back by snowmobile or sleigh (minimum 4 people)
100 SEK per person
Rent a tent
100 SEK per day
Rent an electric ice auger drill
50 SEK per day
Rent a fish finding sonar
50 SEK per day
Rent a bicycle
Rent a plastic, rubber boat with a 5-10 hp engine for 1-2 people
300 SEK per day
Rent an aluminium boat with 5-10 hp engine for 1-2 people
400 SEK per day
Rent a rubber boat with 4-6 hp engine for 1-2 people
250 SEK per day
Personal guide services for 1-2 people
3000 SEK per day
Group guide services 1-4 people
1000 SEK per day
Sauna house rent
2000 SEK for up to 5 hours
Hot tub rent
500 SEK for up to 3 hours
Additional firewood
50 SEK per bundle
Smoking of your caught fish
150 SEK for 1 portion
Fish thinning
By agreement
Fly fishing arrangement / tour
By agreement
Arrangement of fishing in Norway for 1-2 days
By agreement
Arrangement of a dog sledding tour
By agreement
Sale of tackle and bait
By agreement
Transfer from Umeå, Lycksele or Vilhelmina
By agreement
Indicative rate: EUR 1 = SEK 10



The winter fishing season is now open
We are accepting bookings for the winter fishing season. Reserve your accommodations for winter fishing in advance!